class ThrottleApi implements ExtenderInterface


set(string $name, string|callable $callback)

<p>Add a new throttler (or override one with the same name).</p>

remove(string $name)

<p>Remove a throttler registered with this name.</p>

extend(Container $container, Extension $extension = null)

No description


ThrottleApi set(string $name, string|callable $callback)

<p>Add a new throttler (or override one with the same name).</p>


string $name
string|callable $callback <p>The callable can be a closure or invokable class, and should accept:</p> <ul> <li>$request: The current <code>\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface</code> request object. <code>\Flarum\Http\RequestUtil::getActor($request)</code> can be used to get the current user. <code>$request-&gt;getAttribute('routeName')</code> can be used to get the current route. Please note that every throttler runs by default on every route. If you only want to throttle certain routes, you'll need to check for that inside your logic.</li> </ul> <p>The callable should return one of:</p> <ul> <li><code>false</code>: This marks the request as NOT to be throttled. It overrides all other throttlers</li> <li><code>true</code>: This marks the request as to be throttled. All other outputs will be ignored.</li> </ul>

Return Value


ThrottleApi remove(string $name)

<p>Remove a throttler registered with this name.</p>


string $name

Return Value


extend(Container $container, Extension $extension = null)


Container $container
Extension $extension