

delay?: number

Sets the delay between a trigger state occurring and the tooltip appearing on-screen.

Warning: this option may be removed when switching to another tooltip library. Be prepared for this to break in Flarum stable.

Default: 0.


html?: boolean

Whether HTML content is allowed in the tooltip.

Warning: this is a possible XSS attack vector. This option shouldn't be used wherever possible, and may not work when we migrate to another tooltip library. Be prepared for this to break in Flarum stable.

Default: false.


ignoreTitleWarning?: boolean

Used to disable the warning for passing text to the title attribute.

Tooltip text should be passed to the text attribute.

position?: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"

Tooltip position around element.

Default: 'top'.

showOnFocus?: boolean

Whether to show on focus.

Default: true.

text: string | string[]

Tooltip textual content.

String arrays, like those provided by the translator, will be flattened into strings.

tooltipVisible?: boolean

Use to manually show or hide the tooltip. undefined will show based on cursor events.

Default: undefined.

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