The Model class represents a local data resource. It provides methods to persist changes via the API.




content: (() => any) = ...

Type declaration

    • (): any
    • Generate a function which returns the value of the given attribute.

      Returns any

data: ModelData = {}

The resource object from the API.

exists: boolean = false

Whether or not the resource exists on the server.

freshness: Date = ...

The time at which the model's data was last updated. Watching the value of this property is a fast way to retain/cache a subtree if data hasn't changed.

store: Store

The data store that this resource should be persisted to.


  • Generate a function which returns the value of the given attribute.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • name: string

    Returns (() => T)

      • (): T
      • Generate a function which returns the value of the given attribute.

        Returns T

  • Type Parameters

    • T

    • O = unknown


    • name: string
    • transform: ((attr) => T)
        • (attr): T
        • Parameters

          • attr: O

          Returns T

    Returns (() => T)

      • (): T
      • Returns T

  • Generate a function which returns the value of the given has-many relationship.

    Type Parameters


    • name: string

    Returns (() => false | (undefined | M)[])

    false if no information about the relationship exists; an array if it does, containing models if they have been loaded, and undefined for those that have not.

      • (): false | (undefined | M)[]
      • Generate a function which returns the value of the given has-many relationship.

        Returns false | (undefined | M)[]

        false if no information about the relationship exists; an array if it does, containing models if they have been loaded, and undefined for those that have not.

  • Generate a function which returns the value of the given has-one relationship.

    Type Parameters


    • name: string

    Returns (() => false | M)

    false if no information about the relationship exists; undefined if the relationship exists but the model has not been loaded; or the model if it has been loaded.

      • (): false | M
      • Generate a function which returns the value of the given has-one relationship.

        Returns false | M

        false if no information about the relationship exists; undefined if the relationship exists but the model has not been loaded; or the model if it has been loaded.

  • Type Parameters


    • name: string

    Returns (() => null | false | M)

      • (): null | false | M
      • Returns null | false | M

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